module Buildr::Compiler

The underlying compiler used by CompileTask. To add a new compiler, extend Compiler::Base and add your compiler using:

Buildr::Compiler.add MyCompiler

Public Class Methods

Alias for: add
add(compiler) click to toggle source

Adds a compiler to the list of supported compiler.

For example:

Buildr::Compiler << Buildr::Javac
# File lib/buildr/core/compile.rb, line 39
def add(compiler)
  @compilers ||= []
  @compilers |= [compiler]
Also aliased as: <<
compilers() click to toggle source

Returns a list of available compilers.

# File lib/buildr/core/compile.rb, line 46
def compilers
  @compilers ||= []
has?(name) click to toggle source

Returns true if the specified compiler exists.

# File lib/buildr/core/compile.rb, line 26
def has?(name)
  compilers.any? { |compiler| compiler.to_sym == name.to_sym }
select(name) click to toggle source

Select a compiler by its name.

# File lib/buildr/core/compile.rb, line 31
def select(name)
  compilers.detect { |compiler| compiler.to_sym == name.to_sym }