module Buildr::ActsAsArtifact
Mixin with a task to make it behave like an artifact. Implemented by the packaging tasks.
An artifact has an identifier, group identifier, type, version number and optional classifier. All can be used to locate it in the local repository, download from or upload to a remote repository.
The to_spec and to_hash methods allow it to be used everywhere an artifact is accepted.
Optional artifact classifier.
The group identifier.
The artifact identifier.
The file type. (Symbol)
The version number.
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 82 def final_version return version unless snapshot?"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S") end
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 188 def install invoke in_local_repository = Buildr.repositories.locate(self) if pom && pom != self && classifier.nil? pom.invoke pom.install end if name != in_local_repository mkpath File.dirname(in_local_repository) cp name, in_local_repository, :preserve => false info "Installed #{name} to #{in_local_repository}" end end
Convenience method that returns the associated javadoc artifact
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 138 def javadoc_artifact javadoc_spec = to_spec_hash.merge(:classifier=>'javadoc') javadoc_task = OptionalArtifact.define_task(Buildr.repositories.locate(javadoc_spec)) javadoc_task.send :apply_spec, javadoc_spec javadoc_task end
Creates Maven Metadata XML content for this artifact.
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 171 def maven_metadata_xml xml =>2) xml.instruct! xml.metadata do xml.groupId group xml.artifactId id xml.version version xml.versioning do xml.snapshot do xml.timestamp final_version xml.buildNumber 1 end xml.lastupdated"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") end end end
Convenience method that returns a POM artifact.
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 118 def pom return self if type == :pom Buildr.artifact(:group=>group, :id=>id, :version=>version, :type=>:pom) end
Creates POM XML for this artifact.
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 149 def pom_xml if self.buildr_project Buildr::CustomPom.pom_xml(self.buildr_project, self) else do xml = => 2) xml.instruct! xml.project do xml.modelVersion '4.0.0' xml.groupId group xml.artifactId id xml.version version xml.classifier classifier if classifier end end end end
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 78 def snapshot? version =~ /-SNAPSHOT$/ end
Convenience method that returns a sources artifact.
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 127 def sources_artifact sources_spec = to_spec_hash.merge(:classifier=>'sources') sources_task = OptionalArtifact.define_task(Buildr.repositories.locate(sources_spec)) sources_task.send :apply_spec, sources_spec sources_task end
Returns the artifact specification, in the structure:
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 110 def to_spec classifier ? "#{group}:#{id}:#{type}:#{classifier}:#{version}" : "#{group}:#{id}:#{type}:#{version}" end
Returns the artifact specification as a hash. For example:
{ :group=>'com.example', :id=>'app', :type=>:jar, :version=>'1.2' }
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 97 def to_spec_hash base = { :group=>group, :id=>id, :type=>type, :version=>version } classifier ? base.merge(:classifier=>classifier) : base end
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 202 def uninstall installed = Buildr.repositories.locate(self) rm installed if File.exist?(installed) pom.uninstall if pom && pom != self && classifier.nil? end
Uploads the artifact, its POM and digital signatures to remote server.
In the first form, uses the upload options specified by repositories.release_to or repositories.snapshot_to if the subject is a snapshot artifact. In the second form, uses a URL that includes all the relevant information. In the third form, uses a hash with the options :url, :username, :password, and :permissions. All but :url are optional.
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 220 def upload(upload_to = nil) upload_task(upload_to).invoke end
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 224 def upload_task(upload_to = nil) upload_to ||= Buildr.repositories.snapshot_to if snapshot? && Buildr.repositories.snapshot_to != nil && Buildr.repositories.snapshot_to[:url] != nil upload_to ||= Buildr.repositories.release_to upload_to = { :url=>upload_to } unless Hash === upload_to raise ArgumentError, 'Don\t know where to upload, perhaps you forgot to set repositories.release_to' unless upload_to[:url] # Set the upload URI, including mandatory slash (we expect it to be the base directory). # Username/password may be part of URI, or separate entities. uri = URI.parse(upload_to[:url].clone) uri.path = uri.path + '/' unless uri.path[-1] == '/' uri.user = upload_to[:username] if upload_to[:username] uri.password = upload_to[:password] if upload_to[:password] path = group.gsub('.', '/') + "/#{id}/#{version}/#{upload_name}" unless task = Buildr.application.lookup(uri+path) deps = [self] deps << pom.upload_task( upload_to ) if pom && pom != self && classifier.nil? task = Rake::Task.define_task uri + path => deps do # Upload artifact relative to base URL, need to create path before uploading. options = upload_to[:options] || {:permissions => upload_to[:permissions]} info "Deploying #{to_spec}" URI.upload uri + path, name, options if snapshot? && pom != self maven_metadata = group.gsub('.', '/') + "/#{id}/#{version}/#{MAVEN_METADATA}" URI.write uri + maven_metadata, maven_metadata_xml, :permissions => upload_to[:permissions] end end end task end
Protected Instance Methods
Apply specification to this artifact.
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 260 def apply_spec(spec) spec = Artifact.to_hash(spec) ARTIFACT_ATTRIBUTES.each { |key| instance_variable_set("@#{key}", spec[key]) } self end
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 275 def extract_type(type) return :jar if type == :bundle type end
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 266 def group_path group.gsub('.', '/') end
# File lib/buildr/packaging/artifact.rb, line 270 def upload_name return File.basename(name) unless snapshot? return File.basename(name).gsub(/SNAPSHOT/, "#{final_version}-1") end