class Buildr::Layout
Symbolic mapping for directory layout. Used for both the default and custom layouts.
For example, the default layout maps [:source, :main, :java] to 'src/main/java', and
- :target, :main, :classes
to 'target/classes'. You can use this to change the layout
of your projects.
To map [:source, :main] into the 'sources' directory:
my_layout = my_layout[:source, :main] = 'sources' define 'foo', :layout=>my_layout do ... end
To map [:source, :main, :java] to 'java/main':
class MainLast < Layout def expand(*args) if args[0..1] == [:source, :main] super args[2], :main, *args[3,] else super end end end define 'foo', :layout=>MainLast do ... end
Default layout used by new projects.
Public Instance Methods
click to toggle source
Resolves a list of symbols into a path.
# File lib/buildr/core/project.rb, line 70 def [](*args) @mapping[] end
click to toggle source
Specifies the path resolved from a list of symbols.
# File lib/buildr/core/project.rb, line 75 def []=(*args) @mapping[args[0...-1].map(&:to_sym)] = args.last end
click to toggle source
Expands list of symbols and path names into a full path, for example:
puts default.expand(:source, :main, :java) => "src/main/java"
# File lib/buildr/core/project.rb, line 62 def expand(*args) args = args.compact.reject { |s| s.to_s.empty? }.map(&:to_sym) return '' if args.empty? @mapping[args] ||= File.join(*[expand(*args[0..-2]), args.last.to_s].reject(&:empty?)) if args.size > 1 return @mapping[args] || args.first.to_s end
click to toggle source
# File lib/buildr/core/project.rb, line 79 def initialize_copy(copy) copy.instance_variable_set :@mapping, @mapping.clone end