class Object
Equivalent to Java system properties. For example:
ENV_JAVA['java.version'] ENV_JAVA['java.class.version']
- Scala
Public Instance Methods
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Show error message. Use this when you need to show an error message and not throwing an exception that will stop the build.
# File lib/buildr/core/application.rb, line 608 def error(message) puts Buildr::Console.color(message.to_s, :red) end
growl_notify(type, title, message)
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# File lib/buildr/core/osx.rb, line 18 def growl_notify(type, title, message) begin # Loading Ruby Cocoa can slow the build down (hooks on Object class), so we're # saving the best for last and only requiring it at the very end. require 'osx/cocoa' icon = OSX::NSApplication.sharedApplication.applicationIconImage icon = OSX::NSImage.alloc.initWithContentsOfFile(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../resources/buildr.icns')) # Register with Growl, that way you can turn notifications on/off from system preferences. OSX::NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter. postNotificationName_object_userInfo_deliverImmediately(:GrowlApplicationRegistrationNotification, nil, { :ApplicationName=>'Buildr', :AllNotifications=>['Completed', 'Failed'], :ApplicationIcon=>icon.TIFFRepresentation }, true) OSX::NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter. postNotificationName_object_userInfo_deliverImmediately(:GrowlNotification, nil, { :ApplicationName=>'Buildr', :NotificationName=>type, :NotificationTitle=>title, :NotificationDescription=>message }, true) rescue Exception # We get here in two cases: system doesn't have Growl installed so one of the OSX # calls raises an exception; system doesn't have osx/cocoa, e.g. MacPorts Ruby 1.9, # so we also need to rescue LoadError. end end
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Show optional information. The message is printed only when running in verbose mode (the default).
# File lib/buildr/core/application.rb, line 614 def info(message) puts message if verbose end
notify_send(type, title, message)
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# File lib/buildr/core/linux.rb, line 20 def notify_send(type, title, message) icon = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../resources/', type.to_s + '.png') system "notify-send -i #{icon} \"#{title}\" \"#{message}\"" end
tar(file) → TarTask
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The TarTask creates a new Tar file. You can include any number of files and and directories, use exclusion patterns, and include files into specific directories.
To create a GZipped Tar, either set the gzip option to true, or use the .tgz or .gz suffix.
For example:
tar("test.tgz").tap do |tgz| tgz.include "srcs" tgz.include "README", "LICENSE" end
# File lib/buildr/packaging/tar.rb, line 185 def tar(file) TarTask.define_task(file) end
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Show message. The message is printed out only when running in trace mode.
# File lib/buildr/core/application.rb, line 619 def trace(message) puts message if Buildr.application.options.trace end
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# File lib/buildr/core/application.rb, line 623 def trace?(*category) options = Buildr.application.options return options.trace if category.empty? return true if options.trace_all return false unless options.trace_categories options.trace_categories.include?(category.first) end
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Show warning message.
# File lib/buildr/core/application.rb, line 602 def warn(message) warn_without_color Buildr::Console.color(message.to_s, :blue) if verbose end
Also aliased as: warn_without_color