class Buildr::Checks::Expectation

An expectation has subject, description and block. The expectation is validated by running the block, and can access the subject from the method it. The description is used for reporting.

The expectation is run by calling run_against. You can share expectations by running them against different projects (or any other context for that matter).

If the subject is missing, it is set to the argument of run_against, typically the project itself. If the description is missing, it is set from the project. If the block is missing, the default behavior prints “Pending” followed by the description. You can use this to write place holders and fill them later.



Public Class Methods

initialize(subject, description?) { .... } click to toggle source
initialize(description?) { .... }

First argument is subject (returned from it method), second argument is description. If you omit the description, it will be set from the subject. If you omit the subject, it will be set from the object passed to run_against.

# File lib/buildr/core/checks.rb, line 84
def initialize(*args, &block)
  @description = args.pop if String === args.last
  @subject = args.shift
  raise ArgumentError, 'Expecting subject followed by description, and either one is optional. Not quite sure what to do with this list of arguments.' unless args.empty?
  @block = block || lambda { |klass| info "Pending: #{description}" }

Public Instance Methods

run_against(context) click to toggle source

Runs this expectation against the context object. The context object is different from the subject, but used as the subject if no subject specified (i.e. returned from the it method).

This method creates a new context object modeled after the context argument, but a separate object used strictly for running this expectation, and used only once. The context object will pass methods to the context argument, so you can call any method, e.g. package(:jar).

It also adds all matchers defined in Buildr and RSpec, and two additional methods:

  • it() – Returns the subject.

  • description() – Returns the description.

# File lib/buildr/core/checks.rb, line 104
def run_against(context)
  subject = @subject || context
  description = @description ? "#{subject} #{@description}" : subject.to_s
  # Define anonymous class and load it with:
  # - All instance methods defined in context, so we can pass method calls to the context.
  # - it() method to return subject, description() method to return description.
  # - All matchers defined by Buildr and RSpec.
  klass =
  klass.instance_eval do
    context.class.instance_methods.each do |method|
      define_method(method) { |*args| context.send(method, *args) } unless instance_methods.include?(method)
    define_method(:it) { subject }
    define_method(:description) { description }
    include ::RSpec::Matchers
    include Matchers

  # Run the expectation. We only print the expectation name when tracing (to know they all ran),
  # or when we get a failure.
    trace description &@block
  rescue Exception=>error
    raise error.exception("#{description}\n#{error}").tap { |wrapped| wrapped.set_backtrace(error.backtrace) }